Alternative Tube – Videos and Songs on the Alternative Vote

The People Say Yes! Make History: Yes to Fairer Votes! (created by A message for the New Year from Jonathan Bartley of Yes To Fairer Votes A brief demonstration of Fairer Votes Phonebanking Ralph’s Story: Why I’m Yes To Fairer Votes John Strafford speaking in favour of AV at Warwick Uni debate Bristol Fairer Votes group – “New Year, New Voting System” Billy Bragg at the Fairer Votes rally at the Labour party conference in Manchester “Hark! The voting system’s broke…”

3 Responses to Alternative Tube – Videos and Songs on the Alternative Vote

  1. You can see the Edinburgh group saying yes to the Alternative Vote System in the first video.

    Except me – I was in Bristol, not managing to be in their Yes to the Alternative Vote video instead.

  2. Helen Parker says:

    Thanks for all of these – some of which are new discoveries.
    Here’s another favourite of mine:

  3. Pingback: Review 1 – Alternative Vote Referendum « alternativevotereview

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